This site contains informations about several arguments I am interested in, or I've been interested in, both as a professional and as an amateur. Navigation is simple: just use the menu on the top of the pages.
 | Feb 2018 | My vision article appeared on the on line magazine Ingenium which introduce some ideas behind "word embedding" algorithms aimed at natural language processing: Machine learning and word immersion. |
 | Dic 2017 | My vision article appeared on the on line magazine Ingenium dealing with etical implications of autonomous machines, in particular autonomous weapons: Cybern
ethics: how technology has surpassed science fiction. |
 | Dec 2017 | Le slide del mio intervento nell'ambito del workshop Giornata di studio sui big data presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche e Sociali dell'Università degli studi "G. d'Annunzio" (Chieti, 13 dicembre 2017): Un pomeriggio fra vettori e parole. Espandono la mia presentazione sui metodi di elaborazione del linguaggio naturale con un focus specifico sull'algoritmo word2vec; includono anche del codice sia incorporato nelle slide che degli script Python scaricabili. |
 | Nov 2017 | My vision article appeared on the on line magazine Ingenium with a popular exposition of the idea of deep learning: Deep learning algorithms: what are they and how do they work?. |
| Ott 2017 | Le slide di una presentazione svolta nell'ambito dei Machine Learning Data Science Meetup di Roma sui rapporti fra algoritmi di compressione e data mining, partendo dai fondamenti teorici (complessità di Kolmogorov) fino alle applicazioni contemporanee: Compre{n|s}sione. |
| Ott 2017 | Un breve saggio divulgativo sul concetto di numero casuale e sulla generazione dei numeri pseudo-casuali e le loro applicazioni, pubblicato sul Quaderno 17 del Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica del Liceo Scientifico Respighi di Piacenza: Quasi per caso: quando i computer danno i numeri. |
| Mag 2017 | Le slide di una presentazione svolta nell'ambito dei Machine Learning Data Science Meetup di Roma sugli algoritmi di word embedding e in particolare sul recente algoritmo word2vector: Vettori e parole: l'algebra del significato. |
| Dic 2016 | Una paginetta con due funzioncine JavaScript per sostituire un tabellone della Tombola: l'ho scritta oggi in quanto a una vecchia tombola che abbiamo usato mancava un numero, la pagina può essere usata per simulare il tabellone (tuttavia è molto spartana: non divide il tabellone in cartelle, non segnala ambi, terni, etc.). Vai al tabellone. |
| Ott 2016 | Le slide di una conferenza divulgativa sui numri pseudo-casuali, tenuta su invito dell'Associazione Amici del Liceo Scientifico Respighi, di Piacenza, presso la Fondazione di Piacenza e Vigevano: Quasi per caso. |
| Dec 2015 | A JavaScript program which implements a simple Markov model aimed at sentence generation: the program tries to chat with the user, or also with itself! Chat with me. |
| Sep 2015 | A simple program which, starting by a simple and purely HTML encoding, produces HTML text in ancient Greek with polytonic orthography: Greml. |
| Sep 2014 | A new release (3.2) of hpp, my rule based html pre-processor, on my computer science page: some more directive (I needed) is added, and some bugs are fixed. |
| Feb 2013 | An article for the last paper issue of XlaTangente: therein I talk about misuses of correlation in economics, in particular about Skyscrapers and Economic Crisis: check it out here on my (italian) math page, |
| Sep 2013 | Another kindle e-book from mine is now available on Amazon site: Onyricon, a collection of fantastic tales. |
| Sep 2013 | A new kindle e-book from mine is now available on Amazon site: Il Mitreo, e altri racconti dell'orrore (The Mithraeum and other horror tales), a compilation horror tales written between 1987 and 2007. |
| Aug 2013 | Another popular science article on XlaTangente, about Lagrange's life, in the bicentennial of his death: again on my math page. |
| Jul 2013 | The second part of my popoular science article about roman mathematics appeared on XlaTangente: read it on my mathematical page. |
| May 2013 | A new popular science article appeared on XlaTangente, which deals with the mathematics of Romans and in Roman Empire: you may read it on my mathematical page. |
| Apr 2013 | My first kindle e-book is now available on Amazon site: Universi di parole (Worlds of Words), a compilation of my early 90s writing experiments on metaliterature, combinatorial tales, and more. |
| Mar 2013 | Sulla rivista dell'Università Autonoma di Madrid Didácticas Específicas è uscito un mio articolo di didattica e storia della scienza
Storia e didattica della scienza: concetti ed esempi, nel quale espongo alcune mie considerazioni sui rapporti fra storia, didattica e teoria di una disciplina scientifica, proponendo una metafora geometrica e discutendo diversi esempi classici dalla storia del pensiero scientifico. |
| Jan 2013 | A new popular science article appeared on XlaTangente, which deals with epistemological applications of group theory: you may read it, in the submitted version, before editing, on my mathematical page. |
| Sep 2012 | At last my book Piccola storia della matematica, vol.1 is available: it is a popular account of the history of mathematics from Prehistory till Reinassance. |
| Sep 2012 | My first "app" for iPhone, which actually uses HTML5 + Javascript, on my computer programs page. |
| Jul 2012 | Another paper on XlaTangente, namely a short introduction to mathematical techniques aimed at geographic profiling of serial killers, on line at my mathematical page. |
| Jun 2012 | A tale I wrote just twenty years ago, La bandiera sul soviet del villaggio, is now quoted at page 157 of last Paolo Gangemi's book Piccolo libro delle curiosità sul mondo (Sironi, 2012) which is of course worth reading per se. |
| May 2012 | On April 25/26 I gave a couple of talks at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: the first is a discussion of the relationship between history and didactics of science, written for a master in Education, the latter is a talk on the history of mathematics, devoted to the mathematics of Romans. Slides for both talks are available at my mathematical page (in Spanish). |
| Mar 2012 | On the February issue of XlaTangente you may find a short contribution about some basic concepts in finance: check it out in mathematical page. |
| Gen 2012 | The output of a (friendly) contest with my friend Paolo Gangemi on my pagina di filosofia [in Italian]: the subject is the tolerance. |
| Ott 2011 | My new book Matemática escolar desde un punto de vista superior, I: conjuntos y números has been published, written in collaboration with C. Madonna and A. Barcia. |
| Jan 2011 | A new version of hpp, my rule based html pre-processor, on my computer science page. |
| Mar 2010 | A small book called Piccola storia della matematica, vol.2 has just been published: it is a popular account of the history of XVII-XVIII cent. mathematics. Volume 1, which will span from Antiquity till Reinassance is still in preparation... |
| Mar 2010 | My review of the book La melanconia by Roberto Gigliucci appeared on issue 35 (2009) of Janus is now also on my philosophical page. |
| Set 2009 | My Style guidelines to code computer programs, which I wrote in 2005 for the developing group I was part of, on my computer science page (in Italian). |
| Jul 2009 | My paper A proposito degli ultimi giorni di Immanuel Kant (About the last days of Immanuel Kant) will appear on issue 34 (2009) of Janus and it is (in a longer version) on my philosophy pages. |
| Jul 2009 | My review of the book Il tratto della morte by Pier Giorgio Nosari and Mario Taccolini appeared on issue 33 (2009) of Janus is now also on my philosophical page. |
| Ago 2008 | My Note di probabilità, some notes about probability theory with emphasis on stochastic processes and quantum mechanical applications. |
| Lug 2007 | A short poem of mine, Gorgoglio esadecimale (1989) is now appeared in a recent book, hence I decided to put it also on my site. |
| Lug 2007 | Some Note sulle ondicelle, as an introduction to the mathematical theory of wavelets. |
| Jun 2007 | A new expository mathematical note: Funzioni viste in diagonale. |
| Oct 2006 | My review of the book Stiff by Mary Roach, appeared on the Janus magazine, issue 23 (2006) is also on my philosophical page. |
| Ago 2006 | The full text of Intégration par séries des équation différentielles linéaires by Giuseppe Peano is now on-line in my mathematical page. |
| Aug 2006 | The full text of Disquisitiones generales circa superficies curvas by Gauss now on-line in my mathematical page. |
| Jan 2006 | A new version of listdir, a short program to dump a directory on html files. |
| Sep 2005 | Some small graphical programs written invoking the Win32 API to download freely from my computer science page. |
| Jun 2005 | A text of computer science, Cos'è la crittografia. |
| Jun 2005 | Some new on line text on Philosophy: Augustine's Confessiones, Berkeley's A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge. |
| Apr 2005 | New philophers added in the "thinkers list", and some links to texts on line added. |
| Mar 2005 | Corrected errors and many typos in "Metodi matematici della meccanica quantistica". |
| Mar 2005 | New links toward on line texts in mathematics and computer science. |
| Jan 2005 | ALL mathematical writings have been updated and restyled! |
| Dec 2004 | a section devoted to Ibn 'Arabi, one to Hebrew mystics and more links in the philosophy page. |
| Dec 2004 | A new tale (1995), Il cane, and new links to on line texts. |
| Nov 2004 | New texts on my literature and mathematics pages. |
| Nov 2004 | Some of my tales and all issues of Rivista di Fantascienza on-line on my literature page. |